Monday, September 28, 2009

Time to Lash Out?

In the past few years it seems like more women are focusing their attention (and money) on their eyelashes.  There are now a multitude of options to quickly add dramatic length to your lashes. Eyelash extensions are a fun and easy way to finish your look.

The simplest method is going to the nearest drug store and purchasing a widely available brand, like Andrea. You simply add a little eyelash adhesive and apply with your finger or tweezers.  The next step up is an eyelash strip, which adds slightly more drama and is great for formal occasions where you’d like to stand out.  Strips are trickier to apply, so I’d recommend stopping by a makeup counter, like Mac, where they have a great assortment of strips and can either apply them or show you how to do it yourself.  The trick with the strip is that it usually needs to be cut down to fit your eye.  My personal favorite is Mac's Half Lash.

Eyelash extensions are the most time consuming option, but last several months and typically look very natural.  And then there’s the newest option on the market, an eye drop called Latisse which has been proven to grow eyelashes.  Time will tell if this becomes a popular alternative.   For now, I'm sticking to individual lashes or strips so I can remove them at night and rest my eyes.  And there are the rare occasions where you don’t want to stand out, right?  Maybe not.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Pioneering Fashion Company

When my parents would get ready to go out for an evening my dad would get ready as quickly as possible and then watch TV while my mom primped until it was time to leave. Like many dads, mine didn't give much consideration to his wardrobe and wore pretty much whatever my mom selected for him (which worked out well for him).

For many men today (including dads) that scenario has changed. Men now generally spend a lot more time and money on their look ... searching for a balance of style and comfort. Bonobos is a perfect example of the positive trends in men's fashion: their clothes are stylish, designed for the physiques of real guys, and affordable. Your significant other no longer needs to save his one pair of nice trousers for special occasions. He can look stylish every day in a variety of styles from this great new clothing company.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Source of Inspiration?

I recently ran across an article discussing an interesting shift in where women look for fashion inspiration.  Traditionally, magazines like Vogue and W introduced (and often dictated) the latest trends in women’s fashion.  Fashion magazines are now experiencing the pain felt by most print media, but there is another shift occurring as well.  Today, many women are looking first to the pages and websites of magazines like People and US to learn about the latest trends and labels.

While runway fashions are still governed by the major design houses, many women now receive their inspiration from paparazzi photos of Sienna Miller, Nicole Richie, Jennifer Aniston and other pop icons. Celebrities have undeniably always influenced fashion but, even so, fashion magazines are losing their position as the go-to resource.

In addition to looking to new sources of inspiration, today’s fashionable women are more interested in wearing what looks flattering on them rather than solely making a high-end fashion statement.  The most popular designers are often rewarded for finding the intersection of high-end looks and designs women are actually comfortable wearing.