Wednesday, January 13, 2010


As I sit down today to write a new post, it is difficult to focus on anything other than the situation that is unfolding in Haiti. It is a helpless feeling to watch something so tragic without being able to directly reach out and help. The profound loss of life and the incredible emotional and physical suffering is unbearable. My heart goes to those in Haiti and their many loved ones around the globe.

NBC has posted a list of charitable organizations that are helping in Haiti. Also visit Yele Haiti, "a grassroots movement that builds global awareness for Haiti."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What Are You Eating?

I just completed “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer, one of several books I’ve recently read that highlights the issues of factory farming in the United States. Foer does an excellent job of outlining the issues with persuasive anecdotes. Similar to Foer, I’ve vacillated between full-fledge vegetarianism to eating meat in moderation. After reading his book, I may have made up my mind.

Foer echos Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"… convincing a new generation (who may not want to hear the gruesome details) how the treatment of animals should change the way it looks at food. If you’re as interested in the topic as I am, definitely pick up Michael Pollen’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto.” I’m also looking forward to reading Pollen's new book, “Food Rules.”

You might also be interested in Food Inc, an excellent documentary that also tackles the state of food production in the U.S.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Skin

Skin brushing (aka dry body-brushing) has been popular among European women for many years. It improves skin tone by stimulating blood flow and encouraging new cell growth. It also brings nutrients and oxygen to the outer layer of the skin. There are even claims skin brushing prevents and helps eliminate cellulite and that brushing your abdomen in a circular motion can help improve digestion.

All you need is a natural-bristled brush, which is available at many natural products retailers (I purchased one at Karyn’s Raw). Just start at your feet and sweep upward with the brush. If nothing else, it feels great and it’s an easy way to exfoliate your whole body. Just brush for a couple of minutes in the morning before your shower and start the day with healthy, glowing skin.